Let me take a moment to introduce myself and tell you a bit about my journey.

I am Dave Triassi, the owner of Profection Construction. When I was very young, I was always curious about what I could build. I also had a love of trucks. I was like most young boys and got trucks for my birthday. I looked at my trucks as a means to move my building supplies to my worksite. My worksite at that time was a corner in the living room, behind the couch and also under the end table.

Coming from a family of 4 boys and 1 girl I looked for building materials that would always expand, not take too much room for my worksite as well as be able to get my parents approval. I discovered we always had an abundance of metal soda bottle caps. I built buildings by stacking caps, standing them up or in some cases bending them to make my walls stay. As one may remember bottles got returned, cleaned and refilled so the only way you knew the flavor was the color and label of the cap. As I got a bit older my attention to detail developed so that I used the cap color to my advantage by making each building a different color. I know parents can be tough and make you pick up what they felt was a mess, so from time to time or when we had company, I had to demo my city and put my building materials (caps) in my big black semi-truck.

FAST FOWARD many years and some education about real materials, I have built just about everything from small projects to new homes and store fronts, but my passion for what I can build and my attention to details brings me right back to my childhood every time.

My focus today is to listen to your dreams and calibrate my talent to create things to enjoy into the future.


Contact us:

3950 W. Henrietta Road Rochester, NY 14623

(585) 334-3666